04 September 2006

Improving Pay-per-Click Click-Through Rates (2)

In order to get higher click through rate (since this is the most things ever needed by affiliate), there are al least 4 specific ways any web site can use to improve their income through pay-per-click programs:

1. Improve Ad Visibility

2. Decrease Competition

3. Use a Call to Action

4. Highlight the Ad

5. Target Your Web Site

1. Improve Ad Visibility

One of the most basic means to improve click-through rates is to improve the visibility of a given banner ad on your web site. This means positioning the ad in a place where more of your visitors will either see the ad, or in some way be inclined to click on it. Although this seems obvious, there are several trade offs, depending on the focus and style of your web site.

some studies showed that standard-sized banner ads at the top of the page, or about 1/3 of the way down the page show the highest overall click-throughs.
other studies have a little bit differences. Ads placed next to the scroll-bar on the right, at the bottom of the page, but above the fold (the visible part of a page before a person needs to scroll down), showed the highest click-throughs. this study used smaller 125 x 125 ads, compared to the standard banners (468 x 60) that most banner networks and programs allow (or provide).

2. Decrease Competition

too many banner or graphics placer on a page could distort visitors’ focuses. The most reason is that the more choices they give, the better the chance the person will find something of interest, and then decide to click-through. However, this rarely true.

Think of this!! The more ads and graphics you have on a page the more you confuse your visitors. When a person visits your web site, different parts of the site are in competition for the visitor's eyes.

The more banners there are, the more their eyes are distracted. Different colors and flashing animations can simply cause information overload, forcing your visitor to leave (this is the worst think to happen) yout page, or tune out all banners on the site.

By reducing the amount of banners and graphics, your visitor will be much more likely to focus in on an ad, and therefore be more more likely to click on it. A page should have no more than two banner ads. One at or near the top as described above, and another at or near the bottom.

3. Use a Call to Action

Be carefull using this option since different pay-per-click programs and networks have different rules about using a call to action. you should (or must) invest your time to learn the term of services before implementing this strategy.

But, when allowed, adding a call to action to your site in general, or near a banner ad, can be effective in improving click-throughs.

there are some call to action that attract your visitor to click on it, as ‘To keep this site free, please support our sponsors'

4. Highlight the Ad

If the program you promote doesn't allow you to use a call to action (or even if they do), a generally perfectly legal method of improving click-throughs is to enhance your site to highlight the banner ads and make them more visible to your visitors. An example of this would be to incorporate the banners into a side border or menu on your web site, use a Drop Shadow effect in popular graphics programs such as Microsoft Image Composer or Adobe Photoshop to surround the ad with a shadow to lend visual appeal, or adding even more complicated graphics to bring attention to your ads.


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